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Gallery of Big Illusions



The illusions shown are only an explanatory example of
our manner to conceive the construction of such props.
We can develop projects or build only big illusions
not covered from copyright. 
If you were interested to the realization of great illusions
 protected by rights of construction or execution,
we postpone you to the respective inventors
and builders that have the rights
The rivisitazionis of illusions not covered
by copyright are ours exclusive.
we have own New illusion not yet in
commerce and not yet  show to the public.
We can develop the projects of big illusions
according to your ideas and demands.
We are well pleased to answer to your mails for problems
 of various nature that reenter in our competences.


informativa privacy - termini e condizioni d'uso - Copyright 2009 © Roberto Calvagno . Tutti i diritti riservati